共為你找到:166筆sugar crush time hack 相關企業資訊
Sun Luen International Corp. is a professional and integrated knitting and dyeing factory. Established in 1995, we are mainly producing tricot, spandex fabrics and special finished goods. Our main products are fabrics for garments, shoes, hats, sportswear, bags, swimming wears and underwear. We use advanced precision machinery, and our department of product development is dedicated to providing new and unique products. Moreover, our company has maintained our high quality image for 14 years due to specialized and strict quality control. In order to broaden service for customers, we have established Hong Xu Dying renamed as Sun Luen located in Fang Yuan Industrial Park of Chang Hua. From weaving and dyeing to the finished products, the time required is shortened. In the same year, for supplying more diverse products to meet the requests of customers, the factories producing spandex fabrics were established to supply underwear, swimming wears and apparel. In 2004, we built up our own brand of swimwear- Swim Star which sells predominantly in the market of Taiwan area. Furthermore, in order to add divisions to serve customers and enhance competencies, there is an office in Taipei. Since 2007, there have been two more working groups in Guangdong Province of China and Dongnai Province of Vietnam, named Huizhou Wu Luen and Vietnam Da Luen respectively. Our aim in expanding overseas is to offer our customers more complete and quick services.
How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is not an easy thing to do. Sure, we could tell you that Shih Yeong Industry Corp was founded in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan and that we specialize in Wrenches of all kinds, including specially tailored designs four customers. But how special is that? We could talk about the quality of our products and how satisfied our worldwide client base is with them, but you would probably say that every supplier says that. We have even thought about mentioning that we have built our own brand, OULEE, since 1998, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. However, we didn’t want to bore you with that either. Even the fact that we received ISO 9001 approval in 2000 and that all our wrenches conform to ANSI, DIN and JIS standards didn’t really sound exciting enough. Of course, we did wonder whether we should do like everybody else and talk about our company’s focus on innovation by combining the skills of our designers with those of craftsmen, but you wouldn’t really believe us, would you? In fact, we have given up on trying to make wrenches sound exciting and have decided that if anyone was going to convince you about our wrenches, it would be the wrench itself. So, no more words, give our product a try and we’ll do the talking later. 世瀅工業股份有限公司 創立於民國 67 年,主要從事手工具;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質信譽』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。
中機身處快速成長的電池能源產業,主要服務筆記型電腦、消費性電子、手機及未來的汽車燃料電池等產業,提供客戶包含設計、製造及服務的電池組,加百裕將持續專注於電池組的開發與設計,並以提供最高附加價值,協助客戶提高商品性能及 Time-To- Market 之最佳效益為努力方向。 中機的經營理念為”誠信務實”與所有的客戶建立互信及承諾”品質保證”以確立提供最即時及最好的產品,同時以”創新卓越”來提供客戶最好的服務及支援,加百裕的企業願景”成為守護地球環境,提供替代次世代能源的企業”。
亞東工業氣體股份有限公司 (Air Liquide Far Eastern) 係由全球第一大工業氣體公司- 法國 AIR LIQUIDE 集團與遠東新世紀集團 (Far Eastern)於1987年合資設立於台灣。Air Liquide 目前在全球75個國家,設有135個分公司,員工人數高達43,000人。同時名列美國財星雜誌 (Fortune Magazine) 人才最嚮往的企業雇主之一。 亞東公司名列天下雜誌國內前400大企業排名,於台灣主要營業活動為供應電子業、一般工業和醫療產業客戶所需之高純度氣體, 化學品及相關系統設計等全方位的解決方案。 目前在台員工人數約350人, 服務據點遍及台北、新竹、竹北、台中、高雄以及各大科學園區。台灣公司網址: www.tw.airliquide.com, 全球網址: www.airliquide.com Air Liquide is the World Leader in Industrial and Medical gases. We have 43,000 employees with global presence in more than 75 countries and 135 subsidiaries. Air Liquide Far Eastern is a joint venture of Air Liquide and Far Eastern Group in Taiwan. There are 350 employees islandwide with office location in Taipei, Hsinchu, Chupei, Taichung and Kaoshiung to provide time-to-market service to all customers at different geographical areas. In addition, we have operated more than 20 Air Seperation Units and High Purity Nitrogen production facilities in all major Science-based Industrial Parks. We provide State-of-art high purity gases, services, equipments and solutions to a wide variety of industries. Our diversified customer profiles can be categorized as: 1. Electronics: Foundry, DRAM, TFT-LCD, etc. 2. Industrial Customers: Glass Manufacturing, Fine Chemical, Metal fabrication, Food preservation, Welding, Laboratories and Transportation, etc. 3. Large Industries: Petrochemical, Co-generation, Steel makers and Oil-refinery, etc. 4. Healthcare: large-scale Hospitals and homecare, etc. For detailed information about our business offering, please visit: www.airliquide.com
我們是一間營業十年的老餐廳,專做台菜私房菜類型,最近重新裝潢過,要擴大營業,目前需一名PART TIME肯吃苦耐勞,薪水會比基本工資高,目的在於培訓在擴大營業後所需的領導階層儲備幹部,歡迎有幹勁有活力的新鮮人
Optimal Test’s new generation of Test Management Solutions (TMS) gives you unprecedented improvements in Yield, Test Time Reduction, Reliability, Quality and Productivity based on our: * Innovative advanced adaptive testing methodology * Patented reference die technology * Data Feed Forward/Data Feed Backward capability * Centralized, engineering-oriented database designed for rapid data retrieval * Unparalleled data integrity and actionable data throughout the IC lifecycle * Unique open test-rule generator * Open IT infrastructure and seamless connectivity * Real-time automation and control High performance test management at low cost of test allows you to adapt and correct your test processes in real time and continuously improve and evolve products, processes, and operations to compete more effectively.
【佳燁科技 產品領域】 一、電線電纜高頻測試系統︰ --- HDMI / DVI / Serial ATAⅠ/ Serial ATA Ⅱ/ USB2.0 / 1394 等半自動高頻測試系統 --- Antenna 高頻測試系統 --- LCD Panel 半自動高頻測試系統 --- Coaxial 半自動高頻測試系統 --- Lan ( Cat5 / Cat5e / Cat6 / Cat7) 高頻測試系統 二、高頻元件(Component)測試系統︰ --- RF Connector 、RF Socket 、Chip C 、Chip L 、Saw Filter等高頻測試系統 三、高頻儀器代理銷售︰ --- 網路分析儀 (Network Analyzer – NA) --- 時域反射儀 (Time Domain Reflector – TDR) --- 信號產生器 (Generator) --- 頻譜分析儀 (Spectrum Analyzer) 四、二次電池活化系統︰ --- 鎳氫電池 / 鋰離子電池 / 鋰高分子電池等二次電池活化系統 【佳燁科技 四大期許】 一、提供”價格功能比”最具競爭力的產品. 二、提供完整且即時的高頻測試技術支援與諮詢服務(Consultant) 三、提供完備的教育訓練及售後服務規劃 四、提供彈性系統設計架構,滿足客戶現在及未來的測試需求
綜觀歐美亞三洲 掌握新生技契機 ‧經營理念 since 1988 與時代並進,全賴您的支持 Progressing with time, Relying on your support 佳緯貿易有限公司成立於1988年主要經營歐洲、美洲、加拿大各國化妝品、護膚品、保健食品進出口,美容產品系列的配套設計、策劃及推廣。 本公司代理進口的美容用品和器材。數量廣泛,質量極佳,客戶遍及東南亞及歐美各國,不少代理的產品,多年來在東南亞美容行業素負盛名,身受客戶的讚許和肯定。 本公司一貫秉承:以客為尊、以客為主,待客至誠的業務宗旨,多年來不斷增加產品的數量,不斷改良和保持產品素質,為客戶拓展無限發展空間踏入21世紀,攜手合作共創美好明天。
綜觀歐美亞三洲 掌握新生技契機 ‧經營理念 since 1988 與時代並進,全賴您的支持 Progressing with time, Relying on your support 佳芮貿易有限公司成立於1988年主要經營歐洲、美洲、加拿大各國化妝品、護膚品、保健食品進出口,美容產品系列的配套設計、策劃及推廣。 本公司代理進口的美容用品和器材。數量廣泛,質量極佳,客戶遍及東南亞及歐美各國,不少代理的產品,多年來在東南亞美容行業素負盛名,身受客戶的讚許和肯定。 本公司一貫秉承:以客為尊、以客為主,待客至誠的業務宗旨,多年來不斷增加產品的數量,不斷改良和保持產品素質,為客戶拓展無限發展空間踏入21世紀,攜手合作共創美好明天。
Dear Applicants, We are a LED manufacturer who specialize in the LED Tube Lights and all verious kinds of professtional module boards and typically in white LED. We are expanding our international market and it is needed more professionals to be recruited in this field. You are welcome to visit us at our homepages, www.bacolled.com. Joyce can be consulted of your queries at her mobile, 0919.323.914, at any time if you have high willing to join us. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Joyce Huang www.bacolled.com [email protected]
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